Have you ever drunk English beer?;Pil jsi n∞kdy anglickΘ pivo?
Have you ever eaten octopus?;Jedl jsi n∞kdy chobotnici?
Have you ever smoked a cigar?;Kou°il jsi n∞kdy doutnφk?
Have you ever ridden a donkey?;Jel jsi n∞kdy na oslu?
Have you ever seen a comet?;Vid∞l jsi n∞kdy kometu?
Yes, I have seen a comet.;Ano, vid∞l jsem kometu.
She has been to America twice.;Byla dvakrßt v Americe.
I have seen all his plays.;Vid∞l jsem vÜechny jeho hry.
I have been to a lot of rock concerts.;Byl jsem na mnoha rockov²ch koncertech.
He has done a lot of interesting things.;Ud∞lal mnoho zajφmav²ch v∞cφ.
I have never tried Japanese food.;Nikdy jsem nezkusil japonskΘ jφdlo.
We have never met his wife.;Nikdy jsme se neseznßmili s jeho ₧enou.
I have never worked in a restaurant.;Nikdy jsem nepracoval v restauraci.
She has never seen the Alp.;Nikdy nevid∞la Alpy.
He has never failed an exam.;Nikdy nepropadl u zkouÜky.
Have you ever driven a tractor? - No, I haven't.;╪φdil jsi n∞kdy traktor? - Ne, ne°φdil.
Have you ever lost your passport? - Yes, I have.;Ztratil jsi n∞kdy pas? - Ano, ztratil.
Have you ever flown with British Airways? - No, I haven't.;Let∞l jsi n∞kdy s British Airways? - Ne, nelet∞l.
Have you ever learnt to play a musical instrument? - Yes, I have.;UΦil ses n∞kdy hrßt na hudebnφ nßstroj? - Ano, uΦil.
Have you ever stolen anything? - No, I haven't.;Ukradl jsi n∞kdy n∞co. - Ne, neukradl.
Have you ever been in a sauna? - Yes I have. Have You?;Byl jsi n∞kdy v saun∞? - Ano, byl. A ty?
Have you ever spoken with a famous person? - No, I haven't. Have you?;Mluvil jsi n∞kdy se slavnou osobou? - Ne, nemluvil. A ty?
Have you ever had an operation? - Yes, I have. Have you?;Byl jsi n∞kdy na operaci? - Ano, byl. A ty?
Have you ever been to America? - No, I haven't. Have you?;Byl jsi n∞kdy v Americe? - Ne, nebyl. A ty?
Have you ever won a competition? Yes, I have. Have you?;Vyhrßl jsi n∞kdy sout∞₧? - Ano vyhrßl. A ty?
Have you ever slept under the stars. - Yes I have. Haven't you?;Spal jsi n∞kdy pod Üirßkem? - Ano, spal. Ty ne?
Have you ever fallen out of bed? - Yes, I have. Haven't you?;Spadl jsi n∞kdy z postele? - Ano spadl. Ty ne?
Have you ever broken a mirror? - Yes I have. Haven't you?;Rozbil jsi n∞kdy zrcadlo? - Ano, rozbil. Ty ne?
Have you ever seen a play in the National Theatre? - Yes, I have. Haven't you?;Vid∞l jsi n∞kdy hru v Nßrodnφm divadle? - Ano, vid∞l. Ty ne?
Have you ever received an anonymous love letter? - Yes, I have. Haven't you?;Dostal jsi n∞kdy anonymnφ milostn² dopis? - Ano, dostal. Ty ne?
How many times have you seen the Queen.?;Kolikrßt jsi vid∞l krßlovnu.
How many times have you swum in the sea?;Kolikrßt jsi plaval v mo°i?
How many times have you flown?;Kolikrßt jsi let∞l (letadlem)?
How many times have you been to London?;Kolikrßt jsi byl v Lond²n∞?
How many foreign countries have you visited?;Kolik cizφch zemφ jsi navÜtφvil?
I have seen that film five times.;Vid∞l jsem ten film p∞tkrßt.
I don't want to go to France again.I have been there six times.;Nechci jet znovu do francie. Byl jsem tam u₧ Üestkrßt.
I have been to Engalnd, but I haven't been to Scotland.;Byl jsem v Anglii, ale nebyl jsem ve Skotsku.
I have seen a lot of operas, but I have never seen a ballet.;Vid∞l jsem mnoho oper, ale nikdy jsem nevid∞l balet.
The president has visited a lot of exotic countries.;Prezident navÜtφvil mnoho exotick²ch zemφ.
My grandfather has had a lot of interesting experiences.;M∙j d∞deΦek m∞l mnoho zajφmav²ch zß₧itk∙.
She is a good writer. I have read all her books.;Je to dobrß spisovatelka. P°eΦetl jsem vÜechny jejφ knihy.
She has never flown. She has afraid.;Nikdy nelet∞la. Mß strach.
He has never been in hospital.;Nikdy nebyl v nemocnici.
I have never heard such a bad joke.;Nikdy jsem neslyÜel tak Üpatn² vtip.
I have never been as tired as I am now.;Nikdy jsem nebyl tak unaven², jako te∩.
Who is that? I have never seen her here before.;Kdo to je? Nikdy p°edtφm jsem ji tady nevid∞l.
I have never been in such an expensive restaurant.;Nikdy jsem nebyl v tak drahΘ restauraci.
I have seen him on TV but I have never been to one of his concerts.;Vid∞l jsem ho v televizi, ale nikdy jsem nebyl na jeho koncert∞.
Thank you. I have never received such a beautiful present.;D∞kuji ti. Nikdy jsem nedostal takov² krßsn² dßrek.
Can you believe she has never seen the sea?;V∞°φÜ, ₧e nikdy nevid∞la mo°e?
Have you never drunk anything alcoholic? I don't believe you.;Ty jsi nikdy nepil nic alkoholickΘho? To ti nev∞°φm.
Have you ever heard anything so silly?;SlyÜel jsi n∞kdy n∞co tak hloupΘho?
Have you ever been in such a difficult situation?;Byl jsi n∞kdy v tak t∞₧kΘ situaci?
Has it never happened to you?;Tob∞ se to nikdy nestalo?
What is the worst experience you have ever had?;Jak² je nejhorÜφ zß₧itek, kter² jsi kdy m∞l?
What is the biggest mistake you have ever made?;Jakß je nejv∞tÜφ chyba, kterou jsi kdy ud∞lal?
What is the most interersting job you have ever had?;Jakß je nejzajφmav∞jÜφ prßce, kterou jsi kdy m∞l?
What is the highest mountauins you have climbed?;Jakß je nejvyÜÜφ hora, na kterou jsi vylezl?
What is the most exotic food you have ever tried?;JakΘ je nejexotiΦt∞jÜφ jφdlo, kterΘ jsi kdy zkusil?
What is the best holiday you have ever been on?;Jakß je nejlepÜφ dovolenß, na kterΘ jsi kdy byl?
What is the most important thing you have learnt from your teaching experience?;Jakß je nejd∙l∞₧it∞jÜφ v∞c, kterou ses nauΦil ze sv²ch uΦitelsk²ch zkuÜenostφ?
What is the most serious illness you have ever had?;Jakß je nejvß₧n∞jÜφ nemoc, kterou jsi kdy m∞l?
What is the most beautiful country you have ever visited?;Jakß je nejkrßsn∞jÜφ zem∞, kterou jsi kdy navÜtφvil?
Who is the most famous person you have ever met?;Kdo je nejslavn∞jÜφ osoba, se kterou ses kdy setkal?
You are the best friend I have ever had.;Jsi nejlepÜφ kamarßd, kterΘho jsem kdy m∞l.
That is the worst joke I have ever heard.;To je nejhorÜφ vtip, kter² jsem kdy slyÜel.
He is the kindest person I have ever met.;Je to ten nejlaskav∞jÜφ Φlov∞k, se kter²m sem se kdy setkal.
This is the most delicous food I have ever eaten.;Toto je nejlahodn∞jÜφ jφdlo, kterΘ jsem kdy jedl.
That was the most interesting exhibition I have ever been to.;To byla nejzajφmav∞jÜφ v²stava, na kterΘ jsem kdy byl.
That was the saddest film I have ever seen.;To byl ten nejsmutn∞jÜφ film, kter² jsem kdy vid∞l.
This is probably the longest letter I have ever written.;Tohle je pravd∞podobn∞ nejdelÜφ dopis, kter² jsem kdy napsal.
This is the most boring lecture I have ever been to.;Tohle je nejnudn∞jÜφ p°ednßÜka, na kterΘ jsem kdy byl.
That was the most difficult exam I have ever done.;To byla ta nejt∞₧Üφ zkouÜka, kterou jsem kdy ud∞lal.
He is the naughtiest child I have ever seen.;Je to nejzlobiv∞jÜφ dφt∞, kterΘ jsem kdy vid∞l.
I have been studying English for two years.;Anglicky se uΦφm u₧ dva roky.
We have been living in Prague for six months.;Bydlφme v Praze u₧ Üest m∞sφc∙.
I have been waiting here for twnty minutes.;╚ekßm tady u₧ dvacet minut.
It has been raining for four days.;PrÜφ u₧ Φty°i dny.
He has been playing the piano for ten years.;Hraje na klavφr u₧ deset let. (On)
I have been working here for two months.;Pracuji tady u₧ dva m∞sφce.
She has been looking for a new job for several months.;U₧ n∞kolik m∞sφc∙ hledß novou prßci. (Ona)
I have been studying all day and I need a break.;Cel² den se uΦφm a pot°ebuji p°estßvku.
He has been looking forward to your visit for a long time.;U₧ dlouho se t∞Üφ na tvou nßvÜt∞vu. (On)
How long have you been sitting here?;Jak dlouho u₧ tady sedφÜ?